My greatest childhood memories came from the 80’s; the 90’s was fun too but the 80’s memories will always remain special.
I’m not sure why I always yearn for the past, it could be the fact that I’ve lived my happiest days during those years, maybe even because things have changed, and I miss those times when life was less complex… the times when the simplest things made me happy.
I’m sure other bloggers may have already posted about a similar subject, but you have no idea how much I enjoyed writing this post, so this is mostly for me.
I used to be obsessed with video games. In this post, I will only talk about game consoles I’ve owned from the year 1982 until 2000, and since I love PC games too, I’ll post photos of my early computers as well.
This is going to be a lengthy post! *deep breath*… here goes!