Category: Funny
Video: A Japanese guy in Istanbul
lol 7arma9 el rayyal faqeer! I’ve seen these sellers and they really are good, but I’ve never seen anyone THAT good!
John Travolta is also a vampire!
A couple of weeks ago, an eBay seller revealed that Nicolas Cage was a vampire thanks to a Civil War era photo which depicted a man who bore a remarkable resemblance to the actor. A new photograph has surfaced on eBay which purports to show John Travolta’s incarnation from 1860.
The ‘Buy it Now’ price is set at US$50,000 and three bids have been tendered since yesterday.
Nicolas Cage is a vampire!

Nicolas Cage as Peter Loew, Vampire's Kiss (1989)
Nic Cage is a vampire? That’s what an antique photo collector claims, based on Civil War-era photo
The Oscar-winning actor is a centuries-old real-life vampire — according to an antique photo collector who’s selling a Civil-War era photo of a man who is near-identical to Cage.
“Personally, I believe it’s him and that he is some sort of walking undead/vampire, et cetera, who quickens/reinvents himself once every 75 years or so,” the seller — who’s asking $1 million for the photo — writes on eBay. “150 years from now, he might be a politician, the leader of a cult, or a talk show host.” read more at the Daily News