I’ve never attended a cooking class here in Kuwait. I read about this class on iLSuL6ana, my friend and I thought this should be fun so we went for it!
The class schedule is as follows:
from 9:30am to 10:30am we had Breakfast (Omelette, Fresh Juice & Coffee)
We arrived a bit late and immediately chose our breakfast, which was delicious!
Then we moved to the Class area. Everything was well prepared except for the tables, they were a bit far from the Chef’s table, and he kept asking us to come closer for a better look.
The cooking class started at 10:30am until 12:00pm
1. Minestrone alla Milanese Soup.
We were served every dish prepared by the Chef to taste it; I think the best dish was the Soup!
2. Risotto ai Funghi Porcini.
3. Panna Cotta al Caffe
We really enjoyed attending this class; it was an exciting experience! I hope to see more interesting classes to attend here in Kuwait.
Special thanks to Carluccio’s Café & Chef David Barison.

I attended a couple of cooking showcases so far.. I missed this one 😉 looks like you had a good time 😀
Ee wala wayed stanst .. Atwaqa3 ra7 esawoon hal weekend b3d bs ta2akeday mnhm 🙂
Hi dears
I’m addicted to your blog 🙂
I enjoy every post.
Thank you for being apart of my life and making every day
I have a question about the cooking class.
It would be a great idea for my husband and I to attend such a class
If you can tell me on what day do they have class?
Best regards goes to Fetha and Th’haba and all the girls behind this blog..
Ana o th.haba ntshakr mnch 3la kl shy gltee b7agna welli ya3nelna wayed wayed 😀
O blnsba lel cooking class atwaqa3 ra7 ykon fi class on Friday 3n el pasta .. Price is KD 12 7g kl shy! .. Hatha raqmhm etha t7ben t7jzen, Carluccio’s tel: 22597310.
Mashkora Mae, wenshalla ta3jbch el ashya2 elthanya eli bn76ha 🙂
I second everything Fetha said.
Thank you mae, we’re so glad to know that you enjoy our blog and we hope you keep following us and enjoy our future posts 😀
Wanasaaa !!! makent adry 3endena chetheeeh !!! next time golooly bayey weyakom 😛
o glad u enjoyed it girls 😉 3assa ma 7aragtaw shay ? 😛
LOL! oho lo ana ray7a chan 7aragt ashya’a mo bs shy wa7ed! 😛 ana ma7eb el 6obakh ma kent ma3aha, fetha ra7at weya her friend 🙂
A9ln ana 5alait el chef yg3d o 6ba5t bdala! j/k ;P
Tra bs kenna nshoof .. allahomma mskna el spoon 3shan el 9ora 😀
Nshala mara thanya enty eli btsaweelna cooking class we7na nt6amsh 🙂
looooooooooooool Th.haba entay madry laish kent 7assa ena mo lich sowalif el6ebakh faa mo metfaj’a hahahah ..
ama el Chef Silver kheffay 3alaina ya food network loooooool
o 3an elte7eresh … tara a3aref a6bakh .. bas latgoleely e3yoosh o mechabees BIG NO NO 😛 asawee baith mafyoo7 .. baith 3yoon .. baith ma3foos loooooool j/k
wala a3aref specially sweets ;P 7arraa 😛
LOOOL afaaa lay hal daraja embayen mali eb hal sowalef? lol ana nafsech tara khaberat baith eb kel anwa3a 😛 bs ghaira mako allahoma ella el 7elo mal awal bo baskoot el ma6a7en o gaimar o flake lol
LOL@food network! bas tara Fetha khabeerat sweets mashallah o sheghelha latheeeth 😀
Th.haba bada3taaaaaaaay eb6abaq el7ilow eldather .. 3ayal ana akshakh menech .. el7ilow maly elmash hoor .. kakaw mars o corn flackes looooool
hmmm ya3ni fee monafasa weya Silverrr ;P khala9 ensawee ta8ady baina lol wely efooz yakil el 6abaqain 😛 lol
looool la khala9 ana enshallah baseer khoosh wa7da o bat3alamli cham shy 😛
Lool ,, 9ej enkm 3ettaj!
E7na zeman el frozen yogurt .. Mo corn flakes o flake ;P
Shokran th.haba 3la el madee7 😉
Fetha ta3rf ashya2 bsee6a bl m6b5 mo wayed , akthr mn elbaith el ma3foos y3ny ;P
Goldy : aham shay la ta7regeena wala etsamemeena 😛 loool j/k
silver : frozen yogurt= roub o sugar yak 😛
ya entay ya sheghel baseee6 😉
enshalla 3ala yoom enthoog 😛
LOOL wallah 3ad mathmen nfsi so take all necessary precautions 😛
Nshala 😉
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