nail file
base coat & top coat
light color nail polish (white or cream works best)
small strips of newspaper
small glass dish
First find a font/style of type on a newspaper you like. Cut small strips out of the news paper that are big enough to cover your nails. Shape and file your nails till they are just the way you like! Paint them with a base and 2 or more coats of color. Let them dry completely.
Once they are dry pour a little bit of alcohol in a small glass dish. One finger at a time, dip your nail in the alcohol for 10-15 seconds.
Quickly grab a piece of newspaper and firmly press it on your nail. You want to do this step fairly fast, if you press it on too long the nail polish will stick to the paper and come off. Roll your finger as you gently pull the news paper off the nail. AMAZING! The text from the paper sticks to your polish. Continue doing each finger until all your nails are covered in text. It might take a few tries to get this down, but once you get the hang of it.. Piece of cake!
To finish off this cute look and make your polish last longer, paint with a top coat.
Source: [Link]

[…] saw on 3chfa a post by HowDoesShe on how to do newspaper nails… of course, whom do I ask to try? My […]
[…] first post I came across was the Newspaper Nails! I linked it to my post *here* and they dropped by and left a comment! So I paid a visit back and […]